Covid 19 Support Italy


Our world is tested by the pandemic of Coronavirus.

We are all aware of the dramatic situation Italy is being going through. We empathize with you and your families.

The children of our school, in order to show their support and solidarity, have taken part in a project, “Support to Italy”. They made small posters with messages in English and/or Italian and their parents took a photo of them. We are sending you, thus, an album of sweet faces and messages of love from our students to yours.

We are all one big family and we need to stay together to fight against the virus.


Keep strong

Keep safe

Παρακολουθήστε το βίντεο που έφτιαξε το Ιταλικό Σχολείο με τις αφίσες  που δημιουργησαν οι μαθητές μας για να δείξουν τη συμπαράστασή τους στην Ιταλία που δοκιμάζεται από τον κορονοιο.

                                                               Support to ITALY (1).mp4 (75074012)